Dry mouth is the side effect of some medications such as drugs used in the treatment of pain, allergies, colds, depression, and anxiety. Muscle relaxants and sedatives have also been found to cause dry mouth.
HIV/AIDs, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, stroke, mumps, and hypertension are diseases that are known to trigger xerosomia. Additional tests are required to determine if a disease or infection is causing you to have a dry mouth.
Certain medical treatments like radiation therapy will cause you to suffer from the dry mouth condition. This is because some treatments may cause the saliva glands to be damaged thus reducing the amount of saliva that you generate. Chemotherapy treatment has also been known to cause dry mouth.
If the nerves in your head or neck area are damaged you may suffer from dry mouth. Nerve damage can be caused by surgery or injuries.
Excessive sweating, burns, fever or diarrhea can lead to moisture loss. In turn, you may experience a dry mouth.
Smokers and people who breathe with their mouth open are more prone to the dry mouth problem.