What Causes a Metallic Taste in the Mouth? | Smiles on Queen
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What Causes a Metallic Taste

in the Mouth?

Experiencing a metallic taste in the mouth should not be a cause for concern. It is common and can be due to a variety of causes. Your dentist in Bolton will help you establish the exact source of the taste especially if there are no other more obvious symptoms.

In the absence of other significant symptoms, it is very unlikely that the metallic taste is a sign of a serious disease, though it is necessary that you see a dentist if you haven’t had a thorough checkup recently. This will help rule out some severe health issues such as diabetes, hyperparathyroidism, liver complications, and kidney disease.

So what are the possible causes of the metallic taste in your mouth?

301 Queen st south, unit 3c,
Bolton Ontario L7E 2B1
Tel.: 905-533-2030
Fax: 905-533-2032

7 Causes Are:

Mouth injury

If you have recently had an injury in your mouth, the taste is probably from the iron in your blood. It doesn’t have to be a big injury; even a small bite on your tongue can bring about that irritating metallic taste.

Surgeries such as wisdom teeth removal and tonsillectomy may also cause the metallic taste. Ensure you rule out these possibilities before seeing your dentist.

Poor oral hygiene

Bleeding from the gums due to gingivitis, which is caused by poor oral hygiene, can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. While the taste is mostly just an annoyance, consider seeing your Bolton dentist for checking and diagnosis if you suspect gum disease is behind it.


There are hundreds of prescription medications that have been shown to potentially cause a metallic taste in your mouth. The products are released together with saliva and can be really difficult to deal with if you are still using the medication. Perhaps the only reason to worry about medications that cause a metallic taste is that they also cause dry mouth, which increases your susceptibility to infections. If you have dry mouth, see a dentist for saliva substitutes.


Pregnant women may get the metallic taste in the early stages of their gestation as a result of hormonal changes. Iron deficiency has also been shown to trigger smell and taste disturbances which may cause the metallic taste

Kidney failure

If the taste is accompanied by excessive urination, little urination, bloody stools, decreased appetite, flank pain, no urine, high blood pressure, seizures or body swelling, you probably have a kidney problem and should see your doctor as soon as you can.


Diabetes doesn’t have obvious symptoms and may be hard to detect using just a metallic taste in your mouth. However, it is important that your dentist checks you and refers you to a specialist, if necessary, to rule out this chronic condition.

Metformin, a common diabetes medication, is also likely to cause a metallic taste in your mouth.

Neurological diseases

Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurological problems can also cause taste disturbances and, eventually, a metallic taste in your mouth as the brain struggles to interpret signals from the taste buds. Strokes, tumors, brain lesions, Parkinson’s disease, and Bell’s palsy are among the other neurological disorders that can cause taste disturbances.


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301 Queen st south, unit 3c, Bolton Ontario L7E 2B1

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